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Pokemon Terrarium Collection 8 Pikachu Clefairy Scizor Flareon Figures

- Release Date: 07/2020 

A set of 6.
1. Pikachu & Furret
2. Clefairy
3. Mudkip & Lotad
4. Scizor
5. Flareon
6. Jirachi

- All Six Types
- Container: use a transparent acrylic material
- The container can be opened and closed
- Figures such medium is removable
- Contents: figure gum (1) mini-sheet

- The size of the container in about diameter 6.5cm

Copyright Nintendo・Creatures・GAME FREAK・TV Tokyo・ShoPro・JR Kikaku
Copyright Pokemon

Other Terrarium Collectibles Series from RE-MENT 
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