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Pokemon Kids depart! To the world of Pokemon! Hen Set of 18

Each set includes all of the the following figures with 7 extra random figure models and chewing gums.

● Colored already soft vinyl doll (all 11 species)

1. Pikachu & Pichu
2. Sarnori
3. Hibany
. Messon
5. Wool
6. Wanpachi
7. Gengar
8. Kabigon
9. Armor Gaa
. Zacyan
11. The magenta

- Each set includes 18 figures 

- It is the latest bullet of the "Pokemon Kids Series" that has exceeded 300 million.

- All 11 types including Pokemon that has newly appeared in the Galar region.

- "Pikachu & Picchu" that has been three-dimensional based on illustrations that won the Grand Prix at the "Pokemon Kids Pikachu Illustration Contest" held this spring is also available.

- Release Date: 02/2020

Copyright Nintendo / Creatures / GAME FREAK / TV Tokyo / ShoPro / JR Kikaku Copyright Pokemon

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