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Herocross - HMF#087 Izuku Midoriya 綠谷出久 My Hero Academia 我的英雄學園

- Release Date: Q1 2021

HMF#087 Izuku Midoriya available for pre-order now!!
“A hero’s job is to risk his life to turn his promise to reality!”
HMF # 087 Izuku Midoriya launched with a new series of 3.0 hybrid metal body structure. In addition to increasing movable joints, plus greatly improves flexibility. Facial accessories include "Normal Face", "Scared Face", "Serious Face" and "Combat Suit Face". Plus One For All "Quirks" (個性) special effects accessories and glove accessories, enjoy recreating your favorite scenes from "My Hero Academia"!

Product Height: ~15cm
Material: PVC, ABS, Metal
Delivery Date: 2021 Quarter 1

Product Includes:

1. One For All special effects parts x2
2. 4 Sets of Interchangeable Expressions
3. 6 pieces of Interchangeable Hands (L/R)

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